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Russian State Heraldry - Vector clipart set

Russian State Heraldry
121 vector images

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Vector images of Russian imperial, soviet and contemporary federal coats of arms, flags and seals.

The collection contains only the images indicated in the list below.

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47.63 Mb 48.58 Mb

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Total vector images - 121:

›› Soviet Union (USSR), coat of arms - ID 32
›› Russia (Russian Federation), coat of arms - ID 79
›› Russia (Russian Federation), flag - ID 455
›› Soviet Union (USSR), flag - ID 1752
›› President of the Russian Federation, standard - ID 28552
›› RSFSR, coat of arms (1920) - ID 77
›› RSFSR, coat of arms (1978) - ID 2
›› Russia (Russian Federation), double-headed eagle - ID 1
›› Russia, coat of arms (1917) - ID 92
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1890) - ID 71
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1917) - ID 93
›› Russia, seal of Ivan IV (1539) - ID 1397
›› Russian empire, coat of arms (18th century) - ID 7777
›› Russian empire, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1730-1760s) - ID 87
›› Russian empire, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1830-1850s) - ID 89
›› Russian empire, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1830-1850s, #2) - ID 23698
›› Russian Empire, coat of arms (Talyzin`s Armorial, 1790) - ID 33053
›› Russian Empire, double-headed eagle (1882) - ID 604
›› Russian Empire, flag (1858) - ID 83
›› Russian empire, small coat of arms (1883) - ID 90
›› Russian empire, small coat of arms (1883) - ID 91
›› Russian Empire, small coat of arms (1898) - ID 72
›› Russian Provisional Government (1917), seal - ID 2362
›› Romanovs, small coat of arms - ID 490
›› RSFSR, state seal (1918) - ID 29646
›› RSFSR, state seal (1918, b/w) - ID 1020
›› Russia, double-headed eagle (17th century) - ID 8631
›› Russia, double-headed eagle (1610-1630s, tzar Michael Fyodorovich) - ID 31234
›› Russia, seal of Ivan III (1497) - ID 1576
›› Russia, seal of tzar Aleksei (1667) - ID 8630
›› Russia, tzar seal of Michael Fyodorovich (1627) - ID 31148
›› RSFSR, flag - ID 1935
›› Russia (XVI century), Military banner - ID 1551
›› Russia, Alexander Nevsky Seal (XII century, Novgorod) - ID 2241
›› Russia, armorial double-headed eagle (1613) - ID 7238
›› Russia, back side of seal of Ivan IV (1539) - ID 546
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle on the Peter I monument near Engineer's castle in St. Petersburg, 1800) - ID 7227
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1703) - ID 18849
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1721) - ID 18850
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1721) - ID 18851
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1740) - ID 18852
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1750) - ID 18853
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1752) - ID 18854
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1762) - ID 18855
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1762) - ID 18856
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1771) - ID 18857
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1776) - ID 18858
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1800) - ID 18860
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1801) - ID 7228
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1825) - ID 70
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1830) - ID 18861
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1830) - ID 18862
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1834) - ID 18863
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1834) - ID 18864
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, 1840) - ID 7445
›› Russia, coat of arms (double-headed eagle, XIX-th century) - ID 7236
›› Russia, coat of arms with Maltese Cross (double-headed eagle, 1796) - ID 18859
›› Russia, coat of arms with swastika on Russian bank-notes (1917) - ID 2037
›› Russia, double-headed eagle (1667) - ID 8628
›› Russia, double-headed eagle at the work of H.K. Bregchtel (1647) - ID 7290
›› Russia, double-headed eagle in Korb dairy (1698) - ID 8629
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on 1 ruble coin (1704) - ID 7250
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on 1 ruble coin (1741) - ID 88
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the banknotes (1819) - ID 7232
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the charter of Catherine II (1793) - ID 7255
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the coin (1725) - ID 7251
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the coin (1729) - ID 7252
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the cover of textbook (1703) - ID 7249
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the gate columns in Alexandria Garden in St. Petersburg (1821) - ID 7233
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the gates of Michael castle in St. Petersburg (1825) - ID 7444
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the interiors of Terem palace in Moscow Kremlin (1836, in the style of 17th century) - ID 7258
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the jug of H. van Leuven (1665) - ID 8627
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the map of Russia (1614) - ID 7239
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the medal (XVII century) - ID 7257
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the mirror armour of tzar Aleksei Mikhailovich (1663) - ID 7245
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the naluch of tzar Michael Fyodorovich (1628) - ID 7241
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the pediment of Michael castle in St. Petersburg (1835) - ID 7235
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the plan of Moscow (1599) - ID 85
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the regalia of Sophia Paleolog (1472) - ID 7268
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the seal of Basil III (1514) - ID 7261
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the seal of Basil III (1523) - ID 7262
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the seal of Ivan IV (1582, obverse side) - ID 7264
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the seal of Ivan IV (1582, reverse side) - ID 7265
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the seal of Malorussian department (1697) - ID 7247
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the seal of Peter I (1690) - ID 7246
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the seal of tzar Aleksei Mikhailovich (1645) - ID 7243
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the seal of tzar Boris Godunov (1599) - ID 7267
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the seal of tzar Fyodor Alekseevich (1678) - ID 7289
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the seal of tzar Fyodor Ivanovich (1589) - ID 7266
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the seal of tzar Michael Fyodorovich (1625) - ID 7240
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the Spasskaya Tower in the Moscow Kremlin (XVII century) - ID 7256
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the St. Andrew medal (1698) - ID 7248
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the St. Georg Standard (1812) - ID 7231
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the stamp (1783) - ID 7254
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the stamp paper (1755) - ID 7253
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the stamp paper (1827) - ID 7234
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the standard of Libava infantry regiment (1812) - ID 7229
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the throne of Ivan IV (19 century, stylized to 16 century) - ID 7263
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the title page of book (1647) - ID 7242
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the tzar dish (1561) - ID 8626
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the tzar throne of Peter and Ivan (1684) - ID 7244
›› Russia, Izyaslav Yaroslavich Seal (1052-1054, Novgorod) - ID 2083
›› Russia, seal of Basil I (1389) - ID 1548
›› Russia, seal of Basil I (XV century) - ID 1547
›› Russia, seal of Basil II (XV century) - ID 4018
›› Russia, seal of Basil III (XVI century) - ID 7260
›› Russia, seal of Dmitry Donskoy (Russia, XIV century, N2) - ID 3543
›› Russia, seal of Dmitry Donskoy (XIV century) - ID 561
›› Russia, seal of First False Dmitriy (Lzhedmitry I , 1605) - ID 86
›› Russia, two-headed eagle on uhlan regiment's headgear (1812) - ID 7230
›› Russian empire, coat of arms (1790s) - ID 33269
›› Russian Empire, coat of arms (double-headed eagle on the stamp paper, 1844) - ID 197
›› Russian Empire, double-headed eagle on the Empress Elizabeth portrait (1760) - ID 232
›› RSFSR, flag (1918) - ID 4557
›› RSFSR, flag (1918, variant 2) - ID 4558
›› RSFSR, flag (1937) - ID 4559
›› Golden Orda, double-headed eagle on Janibek coins (Gold Orda, XIV century) - ID 1550
›› Paleologs (Bizantium), emblem - ID 1549
›› Russia, double-headed eagle on the seal of Second False Dmitriy (Lzhedmitry II, 1609) - ID 7237
›› Russia, detail of coat of arms (horseman, St. George, b/w) - ID 27146
›› Russia, seal of Ivan III (XV century) - ID 2161
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