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Animal Outline Clipart - Vector clipart set

Vector clipart CD 'Animal Outline Clipart'

Number of vector images:

Vector graphic file formats included:

- CorelDraw 9 (CDR)
- EPS 7
- JPEG* (900px)

Reduced number of points

Other graphic formats available upon request.

Animal Outline Clipart
Black and white outline vector sketches of miscellaneous current and extinct animals, birds, reptiles, fish and insects.

The collection contains only the images indicated in the list below.

Reference: the set contains vinyl-ready vector clipart only: closed paths, no overlaps, no intersecting objects, no crossed lines; optimized for vinyl cutting.

Special offer!

Download only - $34.95       (~$0.33 per image)

Instant download access.

Purchase all the vector images in download set without shipping and download all files on CD from our web server - with $5 discount and of course without shipping fee!

Download access for 6 months and no download limit (within the CD contents).

›› Buy Download Only set from 2CO (by credit card or through PayPal)

Total ZIP archive file size:

CDR 9 EPS 7 WMF JPEG* (900px)
1.84 Mb 2.33 Mb 4.58 Mb 16.73 Mb

* JPEG files not included to CD and available to download only.

CD option

Ship and Download - $39.95

When you purchase the CD on, you can download any or all images, while the CD is in transit to you and during 6 months starting from the ordering date.

›› Buy the CD set from 2CO (by credit card or through PayPal)

Delivery option:
The CD orders are shipped by post (Economy Air Mail). It might take 2 or 3 weeks to deliver the CD by post in Europe and 2 or 4 weeks to the USA, Canada and other regions; cost $0.

CD Bundle option

Order several related clipart collections in bundle set and save! The set "Animal Outline Clipart" is available with the following CD Bundle also:

Note: 2CO/2CheckOut (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for goods and services provided by

The list of images the set contains:

Total vector images - 105:

›› bear - Clipart ID 307
›› corsac fox - Clipart ID 762
›› meerkat - Clipart ID 310
›› coyote - Clipart ID 763
›› polar bear - Clipart ID 313
›› fennec fox - Clipart ID 764
›› giraffe - Clipart ID 670
›› greater kudu - Clipart ID 633
›› lynx - Clipart ID 756
›› markhor - Clipart ID 635
›› moose - Clipart ID 636
›› raccoon - Clipart ID 387
›› yak - Clipart ID 643
›› banded mongoose - Clipart ID 306
›› bison - Clipart ID 567
›› caribou - Clipart ID 569
›› cheetah - Clipart ID 866
›› chital - Clipart ID 564
›› common marmoset - Clipart ID 650
›› jungle cat - Clipart ID 870
›› mongoose - Clipart ID 311
›› mountain goat - Clipart ID 637
›› nilgai - Clipart ID 639
›› orangutan - Clipart ID 660
›› panda - Clipart ID 312
›› red panda - Clipart ID 389
›› rhinoceros - Clipart ID 672
›› ring tailed lemur - Clipart ID 662
›› snow leopard - Clipart ID 759
›› spotted hyena - Clipart ID 767
›› stoat - Clipart ID 421
›› tiger - Clipart ID 760
›› wildebeest - Clipart ID 642
›› zebra - Clipart ID 675
›› argali - Clipart ID 562
›› aurochs - Clipart ID 669
›› aye-aye - Clipart ID 644
›› baboon - Clipart ID 645
›› bactrian camel - Clipart ID 565
›› badger - Clipart ID 305
›› bald uakari - Clipart ID 646
›› barbary sheep - Clipart ID 566
›› buffalo - Clipart ID 568
›› capuchin - Clipart ID 647
›› cave lion - Clipart ID 865
›› chevrotain - Clipart ID 570
›› chimpanzee - Clipart ID 648
›› clouded leopard - Clipart ID 867
›› coati - Clipart ID 308
›› colobus - Clipart ID 649
›› common eland - Clipart ID 571
›› cougar - Clipart ID 868
›› dromedary - Clipart ID 572
›› embolotherium - Clipart ID 676
›› entelodont - Clipart ID 677
›› fox - Clipart ID 765
›› gaur - Clipart ID 573
›› gelada - Clipart ID 651
›› gemsbok - Clipart ID 574
›› gibbon - Clipart ID 652
›› gorilla - Clipart ID 653
›› grant`s gazelle - Clipart ID 575
›› hamadryas baboon - Clipart ID 654
›› hiloterium - Clipart ID 678
›› hipparion - Clipart ID 679
›› hippopotamus - Clipart ID 671
›› homotherium - Clipart ID 869
›› indri - Clipart ID 655
›› irish-elk - Clipart ID 680
›› least weasel - Clipart ID 309
›› lechwe - Clipart ID 634
›› lemur vari - Clipart ID 656
›› leopard cat - Clipart ID 871
›› lion - Clipart ID 755
›› lioness - Clipart ID 783
›› lycaon pictus - Clipart ID 766
›› macaque - Clipart ID 657
›› machairodus - Clipart ID 757
›› mandrill - Clipart ID 658
›› marmoset - Clipart ID 659
›› mongolonyx - Clipart ID 864
›› musk-ox - Clipart ID 638
›› paraceratherium - Clipart ID 681
›› polecat - Clipart ID 386
›› proboscis monkey - Clipart ID 661
›› quagga - Clipart ID 682
›› saiga - Clipart ID 640
›› saki - Clipart ID 663
›› sifaka - Clipart ID 664
›› sivatherium - Clipart ID 862
›› smilodon - Clipart ID 758
›› striped hyena - Clipart ID 768
›› surili - Clipart ID 665
›› tamarin - Clipart ID 666
›› tapir - Clipart ID 673
›› tarsier - Clipart ID 667
›› thylacine - Clipart ID 769
›› tragocerus - Clipart ID 863
›› uintatherium - Clipart ID 761
›› wild boar - Clipart ID 674
›› wild goat - Clipart ID 641
›› wisent - Clipart ID 563
›› wolf - Clipart ID 770
›› wolverene - Clipart ID 439
›› yellow baboon - Clipart ID 668

Instant download access

Unfortunately you have no instant download access. To get the download access you may:

  1. Purchase the CD or download package (Download Only version) by links you can find at the top of this page;
  2. Add $34.95 to your account at to download the package;
  3. Subscribe for 1 year membership at (current subscription should allow at least 105 images to download).


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