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Playing cards - Vector clipart set

Vector clipart CD 'Playing cards'

Number of vector images:

Vector graphic file formats included:

- CorelDraw 9 (CDR)
- EPS 7
- JPEG* (900px)

Other graphic formats available upon request.

Main vector clipart categories:
  • standard full set of 54 playing cards;
  • 25 backs of playing cards;
  • miscellaneous card combinations.
  • Playing cards
    Vector clipart images of playing cards including full set of cards in standard style, card backs and miscellaneous card combinations.

    The collection contains only the images indicated in the list below.

    Special offer!

    Download only - $32.95       (~$0.31 per image)

    Instant download access.

    Purchase all the vector images in download set without shipping and download all files on CD from our web server - with $5 discount and of course without shipping fee!

    Download access for 6 months and no download limit (within the CD contents).

    Total ZIP archive file size:

    CDR 9 EPS 7 WMF JPEG* (900px)
    6.09 Mb 5.59 Mb 7.93 Mb 32.67 Mb

    * JPEG files not included to CD and available to download only.

    The list of images the set contains:

    Total vector images - 106:

    ›› the ace of the spades - Clipart ID 11150
    ›› the king of the hearts - Clipart ID 11153
    ›› the king of the spades - Clipart ID 11154
    ›› the queen of the hearts - Clipart ID 11165
    ›› the queen of the spades - Clipart ID 11166
    ›› joker - Clipart ID 11162
    ›› playing card suites - Clipart ID 16628
    ›› the ace of the hearts - Clipart ID 11149
    ›› the ace of the clubs - Clipart ID 11147
    ›› the ace of the diamonds - Clipart ID 11148
    ›› the jack of the spades - Clipart ID 11160
    ›› the king of the clubs - Clipart ID 11151
    ›› the jack of the hearts - Clipart ID 11159
    ›› the jack of the clubs - Clipart ID 11157
    ›› the king of the diamonds - Clipart ID 11152
    ›› the queen of the clubs - Clipart ID 11155
    ›› the queen of the diamonds - Clipart ID 11156
    ›› joker - Clipart ID 11161
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11167
    ›› the jack of the diamonds - Clipart ID 11158
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11168
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11171
    ›› playing cards aces - Clipart ID 1352
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11178
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11163
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11164
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11185
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11200
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11175
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11182
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11189
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11193
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11170
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11172
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11174
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11177
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11186
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11187
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11195
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11196
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11169
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11176
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11179
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11181
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11188
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11191
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11192
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11194
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11197
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11173
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11180
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11183
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11184
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11190
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11198
    ›› playing card - Clipart ID 11199
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10785
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19752
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 9913
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19747
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19761
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10790
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10792
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10797
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19753
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19759
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19767
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19771
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10780
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19748
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19749
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19750
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19755
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19756
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19758
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19760
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19763
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19765
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19766
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19769
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10777
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10793
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10794
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10796
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19754
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19757
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19762
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19764
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19768
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19770
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10775
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10787
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10788
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10789
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10791
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10795
    ›› back of playing card - Clipart ID 19751
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10774
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10776
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10778
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10779
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10781
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10782
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10783
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10784
    ›› playing cards - Clipart ID 10786

    Instant download access

    Unfortunately you have no instant download access. To get the download access you may:

    • Add $32.95 to your account at to download the package;
    • or Subscribe for 1 year membership at (current subscription should allow at least 106 images to download).


    Full Set of 54 Playing Cards:

    Vector Clip Art - Full Set of 54 Playing Cards

    Playing Card Backs:

    Vector Clip Art - Playing Card Backs

    Miscellaneous Playing Card Combinations:


    ›› More vector clipart sets



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